Happy day! Yes, you have reached the web site of Pasternack Associates, LLC. If you found us by accident, keep on moving, there's nothing for you here.
If you were referred to us for our artfully-crafted services, you're probably wondering....a search engine had all these links. Where the hell did the website go? Where are all the large, useless graphics, pithy text and staged photos of people forced to smile? Meh...we wiped it. The only thing more stale than the photos were the inside jokes.
But we're up to something. It might be boring, like neurosurgery. It might be sinister, like our elected officials. It might...provoke thoughts. Even if you don't know what 16 has to do with it.
Someone told you who we were. Ask them for our number. Be human. Pick up the phone and call.
Pasternack Associates, LLC
1200 NW 17th Ave Suite 19
Delray Beach, FL 33445